Okay so I told you guys about Tyler I guess I'll tell you about Bronson now.
Bronson is the pretty awesome guy I know from my history class. He's pretty funny and an active Christian. He's well known at school and has a lot of friends. He's really nice guy and it takes alot to piss him off.
...I like him too. DON'T JUDGE ME!
Let me just get this straight, I have never liked 2 people at the same time. Ever. I'm not like some kind of freaky crush whore. I didn't even realize I liked him until Wednesday afternoon after school had let out.
I always asked myself if I liked him all year but I was mostly like "Nah." It most definitely sucks that I decide to like two people as soon school ends. I think this is the first summer ever that I'm totally not looking forward to.
I need to occupy my time with something other than thoughts of guys...**le sigh**
xoxox, Jenn♥

Hello, this is Katie your dedicated blog reader... btw im still waiting for that one blog you were supposed to make :) Although I did enjoy this one with you and your undeciveness on everything. You + Bronson = Possible Cutest Couple Ever! lol
OMFG. Cuuuuuutteeee!
And I'm totally giggling at the background of that pic. Yellow school buses, ftw.
They don't look like that in Aussieland.
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