That's right.
I have this awesome guy named Joshua Caleb Vigorito as my boyfriend.
So this is how it went down:
Last Friday, various friends and I were chilling in the band room during lunch talking about going to the movies when Dylan, Katie's boyfriend, is like 'You should go out with Josh' and I'm totally shocked cuz I had liked him for like 3 weeks and hadn't told a soul.
So Monday, I decide to tell Katie and she's all pissed cuz I did waited 3 weeks to tell her. Lol. She tells Dylan and apparently Dylan has a big mouth cuz next thing I know I'm going to ask him out.
*Cue nervousness and freaking out*
So I come to school on Tuesday dressed up all nice & panicking and everyone is like 'Did you ask him yet?' and I'm like '...Nooooo'. I honestly didn't feel like asking anyone anything at the moment and I pretty much wanted to go home and die from embarrasment & nervousness.
[It was kinda funny cuz when I was walking to band class he was coming from *insert4thperiodclasshere* and I was like 'Oh shit!!!' and made a beeline for the band room. I literally did a 90 degree angle turn from the path I had been walking. Lol.]
Then lunch rolls around and there's egg rolls; the school's egg rolls are epic. So I'm sitting and the lunch table in the cafeteria with Beth, Chelsea and other assorted people, enjoying my egg roll when Katie, Dylan, Aubry [Josh's older sister], and Kendal swarm out of nowhere.
It was really scary, there were like sharks circling a bleeding seal.
Sharks eat seals, right? Or is it otters?
Katie drags me out of the booth spilling my food everywhere and tries to tow me all the way back to the band room. I manage to escape and go to use the bathroom. She drags me out like the very second I'm done peeing.
So I walk into the band room and peek around the corner. No Josh. I breath a sigh of relief because I really don't want to ask him.
[I mean who the hell enjoys asking people out? Because for like 2 or 3 unholy seconds it's like you're teetering on the edge of a cliff and the only person who knows for sure what's going to happen to you is the person you're asking. Nobody likes to put themselves out there like that; vulnerable for attack.]
But I digress, it turned out that Josh was getting fitted for his concert tuxedo so I had to suffer and wait in the band room for like 5 minutes.
5 minutes in which I begin to pace relentlessly.
He's done getting fitted and I'm like 'OHHHHHHH SHIIITTTT!' and Dylan comes to hold me & Josh together and I can't make a quick getaway.
But then it's like:
Dylan: Josh, do you take Jennifer to be your lawfully wedded girlfriend?
Josh: Yes
Dylan: Jennifer, do you take Josh to be your lawfully wedded boyfriend?
Me: Yes.
Dylan: I now pronouce you boyfriend and girlfriend.
*smiles all around*
So basically all that nervousness and bullshit was for NOTHING!!!
The bell rings, we hold hands and he walks me all the way to class. He was late.
The next day, more smiling, hand holding, and hugging. Everyone was awwing and shit. We kissed after band practice. Kendal and Megan missed it. They were pissed. That was my first kiss EVER! =D
Yesterday was the band concert. I met his dad, he met my mom. My parents did their parental thing and were like 'Blah blah blah, boyfriend, grades, you can always ask us anything, he's supposed to ask you, he's too young, etc.'
Today we kissed again. =]
This blog was ridiculously long.
XoxoX, Jenn♥
P.S. The title of this blog relates to another blog I posted, k.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Self pity isn't very pretty...
Especially in the case of having a bad family.
It's slowly becoming the norm for people to have broken/abusive/addict families. And while that's absolutely horrible and it's totally fucking up their kids, what bothers me the more is when these kids are like "Well my life is already horrible I'll just fuck up some more. It won't matter."
Like seriously, what the hell kind of thought process is this?
Just because your family is made of fail you're justified to make nothing of yourself?
I don't give a damn whatever happens, you should never think like this.
In fact you should want to excel in life to prove your family and society wrong. So you can have the opportunity to be like "Bitch, look at me now! I've gone farther in life than you could ever dream of" and rub their faces in it. Or, at the very least, raise your future kids knowing you did a better job than they did.
But no, continue wallow in your self misery and go down the same path as your family. Become another statistic. Get pregnant and drop out of school while you're at it. Go ahead and sink down to their level because it's not like you were going to do anything worthwhile with your life anyways...
Are you?
XoxoX, Jenn♥
It's slowly becoming the norm for people to have broken/abusive/addict families. And while that's absolutely horrible and it's totally fucking up their kids, what bothers me the more is when these kids are like "Well my life is already horrible I'll just fuck up some more. It won't matter."
Like seriously, what the hell kind of thought process is this?
Just because your family is made of fail you're justified to make nothing of yourself?
I don't give a damn whatever happens, you should never think like this.
In fact you should want to excel in life to prove your family and society wrong. So you can have the opportunity to be like "Bitch, look at me now! I've gone farther in life than you could ever dream of" and rub their faces in it. Or, at the very least, raise your future kids knowing you did a better job than they did.
But no, continue wallow in your self misery and go down the same path as your family. Become another statistic. Get pregnant and drop out of school while you're at it. Go ahead and sink down to their level because it's not like you were going to do anything worthwhile with your life anyways...
Are you?
XoxoX, Jenn♥
no life,
people suck,
serious business
Monday, November 3, 2008
One reason to vote for Barack Obama.
I'll give you a hint; it's 2 words.
...He's black...JUST KIDDING!!!
No actually it's Sarah Palin. You know, John McCain's vice president.
I hate her with the burning passion of a thousand suns. I think she's ridiculously idiot and should have never been allowed anywhere near a governmental position. She should be locked in a closet and become the outcast in her family that everyone doesn't really acknowledge.
I really think John McCain is going to die in office. Come on now people.
The man is 78, was a prisoner of war and was tortured. It's really only a matter of time before his body gives out of him.
No, I'm not being ageist. The average lifespan for an American male is about 72. John McCain is overdue by 6. Maybe he has another 4 years into him but do you really want to take that chance? Do you really want to lay your life in the hands of that disgrace to anyone born with a vagina?
I sure as hell don't.
[But, you know, I can't vote. I have no say ;_;]
She's set such a horrible precedent for any girl who ever want to become president. She's so stupid, ignorant, dumb, retarded, uneducated, *insert any other word for idiot here*. I can't even believe people are so willing to let another fucking dipshit into the Oval Office again.
Shit, I'd take Bush any day of the week before her.
If McCain gets elected & dies and this dumb bitch is president I will do one of two things:
1. Kill myself
2. Flee the country
Preferably the 2nd one.
...So what's with all the sucktastic female politicians lately?
XoxoX, Jenn♥
Now everbody go "Awwwww."
She probably so embarrassed now... >=] Lmao.
...He's black...JUST KIDDING!!!
No actually it's Sarah Palin. You know, John McCain's vice president.
I hate her with the burning passion of a thousand suns. I think she's ridiculously idiot and should have never been allowed anywhere near a governmental position. She should be locked in a closet and become the outcast in her family that everyone doesn't really acknowledge.
I really think John McCain is going to die in office. Come on now people.
The man is 78, was a prisoner of war and was tortured. It's really only a matter of time before his body gives out of him.
No, I'm not being ageist. The average lifespan for an American male is about 72. John McCain is overdue by 6. Maybe he has another 4 years into him but do you really want to take that chance? Do you really want to lay your life in the hands of that disgrace to anyone born with a vagina?
I sure as hell don't.
[But, you know, I can't vote. I have no say ;_;]
She's set such a horrible precedent for any girl who ever want to become president. She's so stupid, ignorant, dumb, retarded, uneducated, *insert any other word for idiot here*. I can't even believe people are so willing to let another fucking dipshit into the Oval Office again.
Shit, I'd take Bush any day of the week before her.
If McCain gets elected & dies and this dumb bitch is president I will do one of two things:
1. Kill myself
2. Flee the country
Preferably the 2nd one.
...So what's with all the sucktastic female politicians lately?
XoxoX, Jenn♥
Now everbody go "Awwwww."
She probably so embarrassed now... >=] Lmao.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I'm terrified of mediocrity
I'm terrified that I'll grow up and lose all my optimism, imagination and determination to rise above all the rest.
That I'll settle for less and be okay with a mediocre life.
That I'll become a trophy housewife living in the middle of suburbia where the most exciting thing in my life is getting a stainless steel power juicer.
If the last one happens I'll probably run off with gorgeous Hispanic gardener named Raul to Argentina. My 4 kids will be devastated and will hate me for the rest of their life. I'll try to make it up to them but they'll refuse to even speak to me. Either that or I'll hang myself from the clothesline in our perfectly manicured backyard.
I refuse to be a Stepford wife.
I'd rather be alone my entire life.
I'll take the cramped apartment with 27 cats any day of the week.
I'll take my chances with living out my dreams.
At least if I fail I'll know I tried.
"So take a chance and make it big,
Cause it’s the last you’ll ever get."
--The Phrase That Pays by The Academy Is...
XoxoX, Jenn♥
That I'll settle for less and be okay with a mediocre life.
That I'll become a trophy housewife living in the middle of suburbia where the most exciting thing in my life is getting a stainless steel power juicer.
If the last one happens I'll probably run off with gorgeous Hispanic gardener named Raul to Argentina. My 4 kids will be devastated and will hate me for the rest of their life. I'll try to make it up to them but they'll refuse to even speak to me. Either that or I'll hang myself from the clothesline in our perfectly manicured backyard.
I refuse to be a Stepford wife.
I'd rather be alone my entire life.
I'll take the cramped apartment with 27 cats any day of the week.
I'll take my chances with living out my dreams.
At least if I fail I'll know I tried.
"So take a chance and make it big,
Cause it’s the last you’ll ever get."
--The Phrase That Pays by The Academy Is...
XoxoX, Jenn♥
Monday, October 13, 2008
I like boys.
Like seriously, I could never be anything but straight.
I like being friends with boys.
I like talking to them.
I like when they have nice hair.
I like when they smell nice.
I like when they have some sense of style.
I like when they give me hugs.
I like when they're nice.
I like when they're funny.
I like when they're cute.
I like when they have nice bodies.
I like these V thingers that they have [sometimes].
I like when they're modest.
I like liking boys.
YAY for men!!!!!
However, I don't like penises. Or balls. Or vast amounts of body hair.
Those are gross. >_<
Wow, I sound like quite the vapid airhead here. Lol.
XoxoX, Jenn♥
Like seriously, I could never be anything but straight.
I like being friends with boys.
I like talking to them.
I like when they have nice hair.
I like when they smell nice.
I like when they have some sense of style.
I like when they give me hugs.
I like when they're nice.
I like when they're funny.
I like when they're cute.
I like when they have nice bodies.
I like these V thingers that they have [sometimes].
I like when they're modest.
I like liking boys.
YAY for men!!!!!
However, I don't like penises. Or balls. Or vast amounts of body hair.
Those are gross. >_<
Wow, I sound like quite the vapid airhead here. Lol.
XoxoX, Jenn♥
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Random things of note...
I am 5' 7" !!!
This really cool kid I know ISN'T moving away.
I'm taking my permit test next week.
Bad grades are bad.
I think I might have acid reflux.
I'm totally procrastinating from doing my homework.
Which is just like masturbation, it feels good while you're doing it.
Then you realize that you just fucked yourself.
I'm an undercover pervert. LOL
I have the magical ability to sleep 17 hours straight which I demonstrated on Friday.
If I don't get my grades up in 2 classes I'll be SOL for Bake Sale.
MMORPGs are the fucking devil.
This whole "Never-Had-A-Boyfriend" thing is more common that I thought.
I would have died, literally, had I gave blood on Friday.
I need to write my essay on my fear of zombies like right now.
XoxoX, Jenn♥
This really cool kid I know ISN'T moving away.
I'm taking my permit test next week.
Bad grades are bad.
I think I might have acid reflux.
I'm totally procrastinating from doing my homework.
Which is just like masturbation, it feels good while you're doing it.
Then you realize that you just fucked yourself.
I'm an undercover pervert. LOL
I have the magical ability to sleep 17 hours straight which I demonstrated on Friday.
If I don't get my grades up in 2 classes I'll be SOL for Bake Sale.
MMORPGs are the fucking devil.
This whole "Never-Had-A-Boyfriend" thing is more common that I thought.
I would have died, literally, had I gave blood on Friday.
I need to write my essay on my fear of zombies like right now.
XoxoX, Jenn♥
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
If music was my boyfriend...
Let's take this back to elementary school & just pretend for a moment.
Let's pretend music is a person; a guy around my age to be exact.
Let's say he's my boyfriend for the purpose of this blog.
So if music was my boyfriend:
-He'd always seem to know the right thing to say.
-He'd be moody from time to time.
-He'd have all the answers I'd ever need.
-He'd be the only one I'd want to hear after crappy day.
-He would understand me more than I do.
-He'd probably be a little crazy but it would suite him.
-He would be loved by everyone.
-He would have a twin brother named Lyrics.
-We'd be together nearly 24/7.
Hmm, that was oddly poetic of me.
xoxox, Jenn♥

Let's pretend music is a person; a guy around my age to be exact.
Let's say he's my boyfriend for the purpose of this blog.
So if music was my boyfriend:
-He'd always seem to know the right thing to say.
-He'd be moody from time to time.
-He'd have all the answers I'd ever need.
-He'd be the only one I'd want to hear after crappy day.
-He would understand me more than I do.
-He'd probably be a little crazy but it would suite him.
-He would be loved by everyone.
-He would have a twin brother named Lyrics.
-We'd be together nearly 24/7.
Hmm, that was oddly poetic of me.
xoxox, Jenn♥
Friday, September 26, 2008
Things I've realized about myself.
-I hate apologizing; I rarely ever do it.
-I hate admitting that I'm wrong.
-I'm stubborn.
-I keep my emotions hidden well.
-There's a 99.9% chance that I won't have sex in high school BY CHOICE.
-I hate disrespectful, rude, ignorant people.
-I hate when things aren't fair.
-I think seniority & elitism is bullshit.
-I know A LOT more about certain people then they would realize or want me to know.
-I have a really good family.
-I have absolutely no idea I want to come of my impending future. I just want to be happy.
-Apparently I'm really funny.
-Also, apparently I make lots of entertaining facial expressions.
-I've learned to not make plans based on people for my future.
-I may seem to be overly realistic or pessimistic but deep down I'm quite the optimist.
-I like IMing/texting/messaging/etc. because I can organize my thoughts better.
-But with talking I don't seem to able to always get my point across.
-I love to read.
-I'm a dork & I'll never be cool but I'm okay with that.
-I'm vain about 2 things only: this blog & my taste in music.
-I LOVE music. <--- This sentence can never fully describe how I feel about music.
-Sometimes, I truly believe I'm going to be that old lady with 27 cats.
-I'll kill myself when I hit 66.
-I refuse to get old, rickety, incontinent. Fuck old age.
-I reeeaaalllly want to learn how to play bass.
xoxox, Jenn♥
-I hate admitting that I'm wrong.
-I'm stubborn.
-I keep my emotions hidden well.
-There's a 99.9% chance that I won't have sex in high school BY CHOICE.
-I hate disrespectful, rude, ignorant people.
-I hate when things aren't fair.
-I think seniority & elitism is bullshit.
-I know A LOT more about certain people then they would realize or want me to know.
-I have a really good family.
-I have absolutely no idea I want to come of my impending future. I just want to be happy.
-Apparently I'm really funny.
-Also, apparently I make lots of entertaining facial expressions.
-I've learned to not make plans based on people for my future.
-I may seem to be overly realistic or pessimistic but deep down I'm quite the optimist.
-I like IMing/texting/messaging/etc. because I can organize my thoughts better.
-But with talking I don't seem to able to always get my point across.
-I love to read.
-I'm a dork & I'll never be cool but I'm okay with that.
-I'm vain about 2 things only: this blog & my taste in music.
-I LOVE music. <--- This sentence can never fully describe how I feel about music.
-Sometimes, I truly believe I'm going to be that old lady with 27 cats.
-I'll kill myself when I hit 66.
-I refuse to get old, rickety, incontinent. Fuck old age.
-I reeeaaalllly want to learn how to play bass.
xoxox, Jenn♥
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Today's my birthday.
I'm 16 now. I don't really feel any older.
I'm over you. I don't know why I made such a big deal. >_>
I'm sick like a dog. I feel like death. D=<
I have no idea why I'm even posting a blog.
Fucking people and their pull down shower heads. XDDDD
xoxox, Jenn♥
P.S. Was it just me or was Tyler looking dead fucking sexy last Saturday?
But let me keep the record straight, I DO NOT LIKE HIM!!! That was totally a one time thing.
Unless he starts coming to school like that everyday...Lmao.
I'm over you. I don't know why I made such a big deal. >_>
I'm sick like a dog. I feel like death. D=<
I have no idea why I'm even posting a blog.
Fucking people and their pull down shower heads. XDDDD
xoxox, Jenn♥
P.S. Was it just me or was Tyler looking dead fucking sexy last Saturday?
But let me keep the record straight, I DO NOT LIKE HIM!!! That was totally a one time thing.
Unless he starts coming to school like that everyday...Lmao.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Epic failure muffins.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Marching Band: Best Fucking Thing Since Sliced Bread
Today, from the second I stayed after school till the second I was called to attention before I could leave I was reminded why I love marching band.
Despite the shitty practices, the BandDrama, the people who don't give a flying fuck, and a new director in the end the football games, the bus rides, and the competitions are definitely worth it.
These are things I love the most:
Despite the shitty practices, the BandDrama, the people who don't give a flying fuck, and a new director in the end the football games, the bus rides, and the competitions are definitely worth it.
These are things I love the most:
- The horrible loud obnoxious off-key singing done late at night
- The crazy gossip.
- Gay and band go hand in hand. [especially once in uniform]
- Touch a nut, not your neighbors!
- 10 Fingers!
- Inside Jokes
- Being surrounded by so many different personalities
- The band dance
- Mingling with the other band
- How putting on a uniform is like sprinkling pheromones on everybody
- Gay or straight you will be felt up by the same sex
Band is like having a other younger, more psychotic family. There are times where you want to murder each and every single person and times where you wouldn't know what you'd do without them. For every time I've ever wanted to quit band there are 5 other times that I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I did.
For you people who aren't in band, I feel sorry for you. You have no idea what you're missing out on. Maybe if you're in another club/sport/organization you might understand what I'm talking about but there's just some things that you're never experience unless you're a band geek.
xoxox, Jenn♥
BAND GEEKS FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For you people who aren't in band, I feel sorry for you. You have no idea what you're missing out on. Maybe if you're in another club/sport/organization you might understand what I'm talking about but there's just some things that you're never experience unless you're a band geek.
xoxox, Jenn♥
BAND GEEKS FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
seems to elude me.
It's like trying to hold onto water. It just slips out of my grip.
[Actually it's never really been in my grip in the first place...]
And yeah I know I should "Enjoy being single" and whatnot but I don't think I could truly enjoy it until I've been in a relationship. Plus, it sucks big donkey balls when you can't talk to any of your friends because they all on the phone talking to their boyfriends.
It makes me feel like a total outcast. Oh I'm sure they meant nothing by it but it sucks. It's like the world is taunting me.
An AIM Conversation I had earlier today
Me: i feel lonely. =[ especially when they all are sitting on the phone talking to their b/fs
Me: im like in outcast city
Joe: yeah
Joe: welcome to the world of Joe.
Me: small world.
Joe: very
Joe: lonely and cold too
Me: is the sky black & does it rain 24/7?
Joe: yup
I'm currently located in Outcast City, Planet Joe where it's cold, dark, rainy and small. Yay.
I mean I just want a boyfriend but it can't just be any random guy. It's gotta be THE GUY. I have no idea who he is though but it'd be nice if he would show himself or maybe I could get a sign.
Yeah right, nothing good in this world ever comes easy.
xoxox, Jenn♥
It's like trying to hold onto water. It just slips out of my grip.
[Actually it's never really been in my grip in the first place...]
And yeah I know I should "Enjoy being single" and whatnot but I don't think I could truly enjoy it until I've been in a relationship. Plus, it sucks big donkey balls when you can't talk to any of your friends because they all on the phone talking to their boyfriends.
It makes me feel like a total outcast. Oh I'm sure they meant nothing by it but it sucks. It's like the world is taunting me.
An AIM Conversation I had earlier today
Me: i feel lonely. =[ especially when they all are sitting on the phone talking to their b/fs
Me: im like in outcast city
Joe: yeah
Joe: welcome to the world of Joe.
Me: small world.
Joe: very
Joe: lonely and cold too
Me: is the sky black & does it rain 24/7?
Joe: yup
I'm currently located in Outcast City, Planet Joe where it's cold, dark, rainy and small. Yay.
I mean I just want a boyfriend but it can't just be any random guy. It's gotta be THE GUY. I have no idea who he is though but it'd be nice if he would show himself or maybe I could get a sign.
Yeah right, nothing good in this world ever comes easy.
xoxox, Jenn♥
Monday, September 1, 2008
Good news has arrived!
Guess what, guys?
I DON'T LIKE BRONSON ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So you might be wondering why I don't like him anymore. Well it's because he cut off all his hair and now he looks like every other white boy at school. Sorry but that's the cold hard truth.
A plus(?) for him is that he looks his age now, which is 17.
Oh, and if you were wondering this will probably be the last blog that will revolve around him. No promises though cause I have AP Psychology with him now.
xoxox, Jenn♥

Or maybe it's that one time with the porn...nah.
I DON'T LIKE BRONSON ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So you might be wondering why I don't like him anymore. Well it's because he cut off all his hair and now he looks like every other white boy at school. Sorry but that's the cold hard truth.
A plus(?) for him is that he looks his age now, which is 17.
Oh, and if you were wondering this will probably be the last blog that will revolve around him. No promises though cause I have AP Psychology with him now.
xoxox, Jenn♥
Created by OnePlusYou - Free Dating Site
Lol. I guess I curse too much.Or maybe it's that one time with the porn...nah.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Things I've learned from a funeral.
I went to one of my relative's funeral yesterday. Her daughter had to take care of everything because she was an only child. Don't feel bad for me I didn't know them too well & I hadn't seen them since 2003/2004.
But these are somethings I learned:
P.S. School's tomorrow, meaning expect a blog drought.
But these are somethings I learned:
- Exactly how much I loved my mother & that I'd be way devastated if she died.
- The person who's dead has the least of the problems.
- Just how grimy people can be. [People were making off with stuff from the mom's house the day she died. THE BODY'S NOT EVEN COLD YET!!!!]
- Just how rude & disrespectful people can be at the internment [People were standing around chatting & laughing & telling jokes the ENTIRE time!]
- You'll know who exactly are your true friends.
- Get a lawyer.
P.S. School's tomorrow, meaning expect a blog drought.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
In Regards To Religion
Okay this is going to be a serious one guys.
Well I've been wanting to write a blog about this for awhile now.
So I believe in a God okay. I think I believe in Jesus too. So that would make me Christian by default right?
From that point on I think I pretty much stray from typical Christian beliefs.
I believe gay people should be allowed to be together & abortion should be handled on a case-by-case basis. Sex before marriage is okay as long as you're in a steady long-lasting love filled relationship & the time is right. Drugs & excessive alcohol is bad and all of the 10 commandments pretty much apply.
I don't think I fit the Christian mold though, I believe in evolution after all.
I don't think there's perfect right religion or that any bible or religious text is 100% accurate & precise because they were written by humans. Something(s) are bound to be changed over hundreds of years.
I don't think there's a religion that totally mirrors my beliefs. Maybe I'll just have to make my own. Maybe I'm totally wrong & I'm signing my permission slip for eternal damnation by writing this. Oh well.
Speaking of the afterlife I think there is one. I think there is a heaven & a hell and if you were a good person despite what you did/n't believe you'll get to heaven 7 if you're terrible person you'll get to make buddies with the devil in the end.
I believe what comes around goes around and if you do good you are rewarded. Everything happens for a reason & while some things are fated to be what you choose to do has its effects.
And there are times when I wish I had a definite belief in a religion complete with the biases so I could know for sure if I did this that would happen & I could have a set definition of right & wrong. Everything could be black & white with no shades of gray.
But that entire concept goes against my personality. Rofl.
I think in the end most people claim a religion simply because they're afraid to die & what comes afterward because at least with a religion whether you're good or bad you take some comfort in knowing exactly where you're going.
My problem is I don't know where I'm going and whether it exists or not...
xoxox, Jenn♥
P.S. Guys, I think I'm an agnostic thesist; Someone who believes there's a god but they're not sure that they exist.
Well I've been wanting to write a blog about this for awhile now.
So I believe in a God okay. I think I believe in Jesus too. So that would make me Christian by default right?
From that point on I think I pretty much stray from typical Christian beliefs.
I believe gay people should be allowed to be together & abortion should be handled on a case-by-case basis. Sex before marriage is okay as long as you're in a steady long-lasting love filled relationship & the time is right. Drugs & excessive alcohol is bad and all of the 10 commandments pretty much apply.
I don't think I fit the Christian mold though, I believe in evolution after all.
I don't think there's perfect right religion or that any bible or religious text is 100% accurate & precise because they were written by humans. Something(s) are bound to be changed over hundreds of years.
I don't think there's a religion that totally mirrors my beliefs. Maybe I'll just have to make my own. Maybe I'm totally wrong & I'm signing my permission slip for eternal damnation by writing this. Oh well.
Speaking of the afterlife I think there is one. I think there is a heaven & a hell and if you were a good person despite what you did/n't believe you'll get to heaven 7 if you're terrible person you'll get to make buddies with the devil in the end.
I believe what comes around goes around and if you do good you are rewarded. Everything happens for a reason & while some things are fated to be what you choose to do has its effects.
And there are times when I wish I had a definite belief in a religion complete with the biases so I could know for sure if I did this that would happen & I could have a set definition of right & wrong. Everything could be black & white with no shades of gray.
But that entire concept goes against my personality. Rofl.
I think in the end most people claim a religion simply because they're afraid to die & what comes afterward because at least with a religion whether you're good or bad you take some comfort in knowing exactly where you're going.
My problem is I don't know where I'm going and whether it exists or not...
xoxox, Jenn♥
P.S. Guys, I think I'm an agnostic thesist; Someone who believes there's a god but they're not sure that they exist.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Maximum 3 blogs per people I like
And by people I like I'm talking about in a romantic way, not a platonic way.
[Lol, I said Way]
Like HeWhoMustNotBeNamed[not Voldemort] lest I end up writing ANOTHER blog about him.
[That would make 4, not that I'm counting or anything]
God forbid, he ever read this blog he'll think I'm an obsessed stalker.
[I have no idea where he lives actually]
Oh damn I did it again!!! FUCK!
[I need to stop with all the little side commentary]
So, guys how's life?
xoxox, Jenn♥
[I'm losing my damn mind over a fricking boy...GAY!]
[Lol, I said Way]
Like HeWhoMustNotBeNamed[not Voldemort] lest I end up writing ANOTHER blog about him.
[That would make 4, not that I'm counting or anything]
God forbid, he ever read this blog he'll think I'm an obsessed stalker.
[I have no idea where he lives actually]
Oh damn I did it again!!! FUCK!
[I need to stop with all the little side commentary]
So, guys how's life?
xoxox, Jenn♥
[I'm losing my damn mind over a fricking boy...GAY!]
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Is it sad that I still like him...?
Well, guys you heard me! I still like So & so! I saw him today and I still like his fuzzy cotton ball head self. Woooo! [Three cheers for false enthusiasm!]
I need to find a new object to focus my affections on.
...But he's just so damn cute. **Le sigh**
Okay, I went so open house today so my schedule looks like this:
1.Spanish 3--Martinez
2.English Honors 3--Buchholz
3.Math Analysis--Andrew
4.AP Enviromental Science--Miller
5.Band 3--Mcgallagher
6.TV Production 1--Smith
7.American History Honors--Atwood
[If you go to my school, tell me if we have the same classes here]
My 2nd period is filled with a billion people I know so it will be fun. This year is certainly looking out to be interesting.
Except for Band & Math Analysis, that's gonna suck balls.
I actually plan to stay on top over my homework this year. I know I say this every year but I'm actually going to make it true for once. After all, I do want to get into a good college.
Jeebus, I haven't posted a blog in forever. I think I've lost my touch.
xoxox, Jenn♥
P.S. School starts August 18th. Get ready guys! =]
I need to find a new object to focus my affections on.
...But he's just so damn cute. **Le sigh**
Okay, I went so open house today so my schedule looks like this:
1.Spanish 3--Martinez
2.English Honors 3--Buchholz
3.Math Analysis--Andrew
4.AP Enviromental Science--Miller
5.Band 3--Mcgallagher
6.TV Production 1--Smith
7.American History Honors--Atwood
[If you go to my school, tell me if we have the same classes here]
My 2nd period is filled with a billion people I know so it will be fun. This year is certainly looking out to be interesting.
Except for Band & Math Analysis, that's gonna suck balls.
I actually plan to stay on top over my homework this year. I know I say this every year but I'm actually going to make it true for once. After all, I do want to get into a good college.
Jeebus, I haven't posted a blog in forever. I think I've lost my touch.
xoxox, Jenn♥
P.S. School starts August 18th. Get ready guys! =]
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Rediscovering bands is fun.
So I've pretty much been listening to My Chemical Romance nonstop. Want to know why?
Earlier this week I was watching Fuse I saw the video for Mama off of The Black Parade Is Dead! and it didn't occur to me till then how much I really loved MCR. I had kinda been on an unofficial hiatus for a while now.
Okay I know that sounds really cheesy but I forgot how much I love them. Not just their music but the individual themselves. I'm sure that there's people reading this are like "You don't know them let alone seen them in person and yet you're professing your love for them? Stalker!"

I've got to say though my number one favorite person of all time in any band is Gerard Way. I love him. Not love as in I want to have his babies or he's so hot or whatever. That's lust btw.
Love as is I think he's one of most amazing person ever. Well, it's probably more of a mix of adoration, bedazzlement, infatuation & love but whatever. He's pretty much says what he means and means what he says. He also nice & I don't think he's just putting up a front.
As for everyone else in MCR:

Ray: I think it's impossible to be cooler than a guitarist with a fro. His fro alone could take over the world. Laugh now but you'll see...oOOooo000OooooOOOo000

Frank:Ah, the 5 Foot Wonder! Lol. I've had & still have a long running crush on him. He's just so frickin cute & he giggles like a little girl. Okay fangirl moment over...

Bob:He's pretty awesome despite the camera smackage. Plus he's a damn good drummer. Is it just me or has he been looking like a lumberjack lately? Lmao.

Mikey:Is the reason I want to play bass. Oh and I liked him before I liked MCR.
To think that I once hated them & I thought Gerard looked like Michael Jackson. Lol.
xoxox, Jenn♥
God, I just love this video!
Earlier this week I was watching Fuse I saw the video for Mama off of The Black Parade Is Dead! and it didn't occur to me till then how much I really loved MCR. I had kinda been on an unofficial hiatus for a while now.
Okay I know that sounds really cheesy but I forgot how much I love them. Not just their music but the individual themselves. I'm sure that there's people reading this are like "You don't know them let alone seen them in person and yet you're professing your love for them? Stalker!"
I've got to say though my number one favorite person of all time in any band is Gerard Way. I love him. Not love as in I want to have his babies or he's so hot or whatever. That's lust btw.
Love as is I think he's one of most amazing person ever. Well, it's probably more of a mix of adoration, bedazzlement, infatuation & love but whatever. He's pretty much says what he means and means what he says. He also nice & I don't think he's just putting up a front.
As for everyone else in MCR:
Ray: I think it's impossible to be cooler than a guitarist with a fro. His fro alone could take over the world. Laugh now but you'll see...oOOooo000OooooOOOo000
Frank:Ah, the 5 Foot Wonder! Lol. I've had & still have a long running crush on him. He's just so frickin cute & he giggles like a little girl. Okay fangirl moment over...
Bob:He's pretty awesome despite the camera smackage. Plus he's a damn good drummer. Is it just me or has he been looking like a lumberjack lately? Lmao.
Mikey:Is the reason I want to play bass. Oh and I liked him before I liked MCR.
To think that I once hated them & I thought Gerard looked like Michael Jackson. Lol.
xoxox, Jenn♥
God, I just love this video!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Zombies! Aliens! Vampires! Dinosaurs!
Okay I lied the post this is just about zombies. No aliens, vampires or dinosaurs here!
You have been deceived. >=]
The cake is a lie.
You have been deceived. >=]
The cake is a lie.
Okay, anyways I hate zombies. I have a serious irrational fear of them. They eat people alive for God's sake, can you really blame me?
So I have devised a zombie plan. I personally think everyone should have one in case the Zombie Apocalypse does in fact occur.
1st step. Get in shape.
Okay you should be in shape for 2 reasons: it's healthy & you can outrun the zombies if they're the fast kind. You don't need to be Mr./Ms. Super Fast Olympic Runner you just need be faster than the slow people.

You would need lots of stamina in case you needed to run far. I'll just say if you can run for two blocks straight you should be good...I think
2nd step. Stockpile weapons.
Yeah chainsaws and guns are pretty good but what the hell are you going to do when you run out of gasoline or bullets?
I suggest a good old school machete, a baseball bat, a lead pipe or shovel. As for guns I think shotguns & assault rifles would be pretty cool. Especially these ones. LOL!

I mean what self respecting zombie wouldn't want to get shot with a Hello Kitty gun?
Step 3. Find a safe protected shelter.
This is my plan for a great shelter. Go to the nearest WalMart/Sam's/BJ's and take it over. Kick anybody out who wouldn't be helpful to me in some way, shape or form. Why? Because they have EVERYTHING! Plus I would now have other people to associate with & other people to watch my back.
Of course the downfall of this is that there might be a crazy super religious lady in there like in The Mist or that there could be a rebellion but there would ways around that. Trust me...
Step 4. Have a Plan B.
In the case that my WalMart/Sam's/BJ's got comprimised & the zombies somehow got in I would have a van in the back filled up with supplies ready to go. I would then grab the people that I cared about most and head out on the road.
To where? Honestly, I don't know. I didn't get this far in my zombie plan. -_-' i'm hoping that if this occured that there would be emergency radio reports telling people where to go. Maybe the army would actually be helpful in real life and not be all "Get the hell out of here or we'll shoot you!"
So yeah, this was my zombie plan & that was probably the most psychotic thing I've ever typed.
xoxox, Jenn♥

So I have devised a zombie plan. I personally think everyone should have one in case the Zombie Apocalypse does in fact occur.
1st step. Get in shape.
Okay you should be in shape for 2 reasons: it's healthy & you can outrun the zombies if they're the fast kind. You don't need to be Mr./Ms. Super Fast Olympic Runner you just need be faster than the slow people.
You would need lots of stamina in case you needed to run far. I'll just say if you can run for two blocks straight you should be good...I think
2nd step. Stockpile weapons.
Yeah chainsaws and guns are pretty good but what the hell are you going to do when you run out of gasoline or bullets?
I suggest a good old school machete, a baseball bat, a lead pipe or shovel. As for guns I think shotguns & assault rifles would be pretty cool. Especially these ones. LOL!
I mean what self respecting zombie wouldn't want to get shot with a Hello Kitty gun?
Step 3. Find a safe protected shelter.
This is my plan for a great shelter. Go to the nearest WalMart/Sam's/BJ's and take it over. Kick anybody out who wouldn't be helpful to me in some way, shape or form. Why? Because they have EVERYTHING! Plus I would now have other people to associate with & other people to watch my back.
Of course the downfall of this is that there might be a crazy super religious lady in there like in The Mist or that there could be a rebellion but there would ways around that. Trust me...
Step 4. Have a Plan B.
In the case that my WalMart/Sam's/BJ's got comprimised & the zombies somehow got in I would have a van in the back filled up with supplies ready to go. I would then grab the people that I cared about most and head out on the road.
To where? Honestly, I don't know. I didn't get this far in my zombie plan. -_-' i'm hoping that if this occured that there would be emergency radio reports telling people where to go. Maybe the army would actually be helpful in real life and not be all "Get the hell out of here or we'll shoot you!"
So yeah, this was my zombie plan & that was probably the most psychotic thing I've ever typed.
xoxox, Jenn♥
Saturday, July 5, 2008
I really fucking hate people.
So earlier today I was cleaning and my mom was watching CNN and there was a commerical for a special news report that they were doing later that night. It was about how a lady died in the psychiatric waiting room.
She basically fell out of her chair, struggled to get back up and then collapsed on the floor dead. The waiting room wasn't empty either. There was a couple other people there too and they all just watched her die. Fucking savages.
Now I'm normally not the one to get all emotional and shit but that made me so goddamn angry. Seriously, what the hell were those people thinking? If somebody falls down you check if they're okay especially if they are an older fucking person. I mean if it's somebody at school falls down you probably point & laugh AFTER you realize that they're not seriously injured.
Shit like this makes me not surprised at all when people say the world is ending because with people like that on this planet I say we fucking deserve it.
Holy shit, I am really pissed off. Fucking people & their stupid shit. Fuck them.
Edit: This what my friend Joe had to say: "er, it was a psych ward.
a few things about it:
First, if someone falls over, you never never know that something's wrong...they could be in a (crazy) mood and get ready to bite you...would you touch someone that could potentially tear your throat out?
Second, maybe the people there were...out of it in some way shape or form?
OR, maybe they thought help was on the way.
Whatever the case may be, look at the source of the news: CNN
CNN is NOTORIOUS for it's liberal slant.
Glenn Beck is probably the ONLY exception.
A news station that has a liberal slant rarely, if ever, tells the whole truth."
I guess I feel slightly better now, thank you Joe.
xoxox, Jenn♥
She basically fell out of her chair, struggled to get back up and then collapsed on the floor dead. The waiting room wasn't empty either. There was a couple other people there too and they all just watched her die. Fucking savages.
Now I'm normally not the one to get all emotional and shit but that made me so goddamn angry. Seriously, what the hell were those people thinking? If somebody falls down you check if they're okay especially if they are an older fucking person. I mean if it's somebody at school falls down you probably point & laugh AFTER you realize that they're not seriously injured.
Shit like this makes me not surprised at all when people say the world is ending because with people like that on this planet I say we fucking deserve it.
Holy shit, I am really pissed off. Fucking people & their stupid shit. Fuck them.
Edit: This what my friend Joe had to say: "er, it was a psych ward.
a few things about it:
First, if someone falls over, you never never know that something's wrong...they could be in a (crazy) mood and get ready to bite you...would you touch someone that could potentially tear your throat out?
Second, maybe the people there were...out of it in some way shape or form?
OR, maybe they thought help was on the way.
Whatever the case may be, look at the source of the news: CNN
CNN is NOTORIOUS for it's liberal slant.
Glenn Beck is probably the ONLY exception.
A news station that has a liberal slant rarely, if ever, tells the whole truth."
I guess I feel slightly better now, thank you Joe.
xoxox, Jenn♥
joe=serious business,
people suck,
I took a religion quiz. Apparently I'm a Quaker...
1. | Orthodox Quaker (100%) |
2. | Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (98%) |
3. | Liberal Quakers (95%) |
4. | Reform Judaism (93%) |
5. | Sikhism (89%) |
6. | Bahá'à Faith (86%) |
7. | Unitarian Universalism (82%) |
8. | Orthodox Judaism (80%) |
9. | Islam (79%) |
10. | Mahayana Buddhism (76%) |
11. | Jainism (76%) |
12. | Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (72%) |
13. | Neo-Pagan (70%) |
14. | Theravada Buddhism (67%) |
15. | Seventh Day Adventist (65%) |
16. | Eastern Orthodox (64%) |
17. | Roman Catholic (64%) |
18. | New Age (62%) |
19. | Hinduism (60%) |
20. | Taoism (54%) |
21. | Secular Humanism (54%) |
22. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (52%) |
23. | Scientology (50%) |
24. | Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (43%) |
25. | New Thought (43%) |
26. | Jehovah's Witness (39%) |
27. | Nontheist (30%) |
To take the quiz click here
Friday, July 4, 2008
So I got my palm read on Gaia...
Iif you have a Gaia account you can private message her with a picture of your palm. Her username is Rose_of_Tae. This is what the chick said:
"You have a Water hand. This is the hand that artists love. People with this hand are imaginative, intuitive, innovative and have a love for all living things. They are sensitive and creative and would do well in a career that involved creativity and a strong aesthic sense. They are constantly let down by others who have different shaped palms then they do.
You have a heartline that runs straight across your palm. This means that you are the type of person who bottles up their emotions until one day you reach a breaking point and then BAM! All those emotions come flooding out. It also means that you find it difficult to tell others how you feel. I couldnt help but notice that you have a island on your heartline, probably toward your mid-teens. Islands on the heartline are indicators of a period of depression.
You have a long head line, which means you are a very detailed thinker. You a lot of worry lines as well, and you need to watch out for this because as soon as they cross over your life line you put your health at risk. You also have a large thumb in comparision to the rest of your hand. Large thumbs are a sign of success in life. This is a good thing. ^^ You also have a strong family chain around your thumb that doesnt thin out until the very end. This means you will be tight with your family almost throughout your entire life.
You have a destiny line. It breaks, early on, which signifies a change in plans, but then gets stronger and deeper- especially through the years 35-49. After that though, it fades slightly. This means that after you're 49 you are probably going to re-think your career choice.
I see two long lasting and deep relationships on your palm. This could be romantic or just friendly. However, you are the first person whose children lines I could see. ^^ It looks like you were fated to have three kids. Two boys and one girl. However, this would have been more accurate 200 years ago- when there was no such thing as condoms, the pill, or the sponge. This was how many children you were supposed to have- the minute you use protection you are taking a risk that you might not have them. ((I DO NOT SUPPORT UNPROTECTED SEX FOR THE RECORD XD ))
Your fingers tell me that you have natural good taste and the ability to use it in a career. You also find it easy to talk to people, communication being one of your stronger points. Your fingers also tell me that you are a good organizer and enjoy detailed work because you are methodical and conscientious."
I think it's pretty accurate! Scary huh? Oh, don't worry Katie I'll give you your blog later.
xoxox, Jenn♥
"You have a Water hand. This is the hand that artists love. People with this hand are imaginative, intuitive, innovative and have a love for all living things. They are sensitive and creative and would do well in a career that involved creativity and a strong aesthic sense. They are constantly let down by others who have different shaped palms then they do.
You have a heartline that runs straight across your palm. This means that you are the type of person who bottles up their emotions until one day you reach a breaking point and then BAM! All those emotions come flooding out. It also means that you find it difficult to tell others how you feel. I couldnt help but notice that you have a island on your heartline, probably toward your mid-teens. Islands on the heartline are indicators of a period of depression.
You have a long head line, which means you are a very detailed thinker. You a lot of worry lines as well, and you need to watch out for this because as soon as they cross over your life line you put your health at risk. You also have a large thumb in comparision to the rest of your hand. Large thumbs are a sign of success in life. This is a good thing. ^^ You also have a strong family chain around your thumb that doesnt thin out until the very end. This means you will be tight with your family almost throughout your entire life.
You have a destiny line. It breaks, early on, which signifies a change in plans, but then gets stronger and deeper- especially through the years 35-49. After that though, it fades slightly. This means that after you're 49 you are probably going to re-think your career choice.
I see two long lasting and deep relationships on your palm. This could be romantic or just friendly. However, you are the first person whose children lines I could see. ^^ It looks like you were fated to have three kids. Two boys and one girl. However, this would have been more accurate 200 years ago- when there was no such thing as condoms, the pill, or the sponge. This was how many children you were supposed to have- the minute you use protection you are taking a risk that you might not have them. ((I DO NOT SUPPORT UNPROTECTED SEX FOR THE RECORD XD ))
Your fingers tell me that you have natural good taste and the ability to use it in a career. You also find it easy to talk to people, communication being one of your stronger points. Your fingers also tell me that you are a good organizer and enjoy detailed work because you are methodical and conscientious."
I think it's pretty accurate! Scary huh? Oh, don't worry Katie I'll give you your blog later.
xoxox, Jenn♥
Monday, June 30, 2008
Blogging is definitely harder than it looks.
So I'm posting a blog partially because I want to & partially because I can't bear to look at the twincest picture I posted.
I have no idea what to write about so how about some shameless advertisement!
Check out my Gaia thinger: Add me as a friend because you know you want to!
My AIM: ZebraNamedToto : I'm on 95% of the time
Check out the MCRmy
Look! A Mikey Way fansite that I'm a part of.
Yeah, that's about it...damn I wish I had some chocolate.
Oh Katie, ask your mother about Warped Tour. I beg of you!!! I really want to go and I'm almost positive my parentals will say yes. Please, because you love me & we're best friends forever?
xoxox, Jenn♥
I have no idea what to write about so how about some shameless advertisement!
Check out my Gaia thinger: Add me as a friend because you know you want to!
My AIM: ZebraNamedToto : I'm on 95% of the time
Check out the MCRmy
Look! A Mikey Way fansite that I'm a part of.
Yeah, that's about it...damn I wish I had some chocolate.
Oh Katie, ask your mother about Warped Tour. I beg of you!!! I really want to go and I'm almost positive my parentals will say yes. Please, because you love me & we're best friends forever?
xoxox, Jenn♥
Friday, June 27, 2008
The Girl With A Penis Awards!
or Guys Who Really Look Like Girls!!!

4th place.Ryan Ross from Panic! At The Disco

3rd place.Davey Havok from AFI

2nd place.Jeffree Star

1st place.Bill Kaulitz from Tokio Hotel
And for an extra dose of gayness to gay up your computer till the end of time:

Btw, that's his twin brother he's holding ever so tenderly. **shivers**
xoxox, Jenn♥
P.S. I'm sorry I had to put you guys through that. -_-'
4th place.Ryan Ross from Panic! At The Disco
3rd place.Davey Havok from AFI
2nd place.Jeffree Star
1st place.Bill Kaulitz from Tokio Hotel
And for an extra dose of gayness to gay up your computer till the end of time:
Btw, that's his twin brother he's holding ever so tenderly. **shivers**
xoxox, Jenn♥
P.S. I'm sorry I had to put you guys through that. -_-'
bill kaulitz,
davey havok,
jeffree star,
ryan ross,
The Jonas Brothers Extravaganza!!!
Especially made for Katie. Because I love her. =]
So if you don't know, my Biffle [BFFL] Katie has a crush on Joe Jonas of the Jonas Brothers.

Apparently I missed the memo cause some of my other friends think he's hot too. Personally I think he has some monstrous eyebrows.
So this is what truly think of the Jonas Brothers; Katie, you should probably save this post because you'll never hear me say any of this out loud.
I DON'T hate them even if they are on the Disney channel AND they made the Baby Bottle Pop song. I mean they did what they had to do to get their music out there and succeeded.
Their music doesn't suck for the most part but I wouldn't listen to them on a regular basis because I don't really listen to fruity tooty pop music.
Nick Jonas is cute.
Yes, they are funny & amusing from what I can tell from their multitude of Youtube videos.
No, Katie this does not give you the right to bombard me with Jonas Brothers pictures & videos. My computer will break...again.
Yepp, I do believe that's it and that's all you'll get. Ever. No more Jonas Brothers blogs after this because this was totally a one time thing. MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
xoxox, Jenn♥
So if you don't know, my Biffle [BFFL] Katie has a crush on Joe Jonas of the Jonas Brothers.
Apparently I missed the memo cause some of my other friends think he's hot too. Personally I think he has some monstrous eyebrows.
So this is what truly think of the Jonas Brothers; Katie, you should probably save this post because you'll never hear me say any of this out loud.
I DON'T hate them even if they are on the Disney channel AND they made the Baby Bottle Pop song. I mean they did what they had to do to get their music out there and succeeded.
Their music doesn't suck for the most part but I wouldn't listen to them on a regular basis because I don't really listen to fruity tooty pop music.
Nick Jonas is cute.
Yes, they are funny & amusing from what I can tell from their multitude of Youtube videos.
No, Katie this does not give you the right to bombard me with Jonas Brothers pictures & videos. My computer will break...again.
Yepp, I do believe that's it and that's all you'll get. Ever. No more Jonas Brothers blogs after this because this was totally a one time thing. MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
xoxox, Jenn♥
joe jonas is NOT hot,
jonas brothers,
Bands worth seeing at Warped Tour!
A Day to Remember | Jun 20 - Jul 20, Aug 8 - Aug 17 |
The Academy Is... | Whole tour |
Angels and Airwaves | Whole tour |
As I Lay Dying | Jun 20 - Jul 18 |
Be Your Own Pet | Jul 9 - 18, Jul 23 - Aug 2 |
Cinematic Sunrise | Jul 10 - Jul 16 |
Cobra Starship | Whole tour |
The Color Fred | Whole tour |
The Devil Wears Prada | Whole tour |
The Dillinger Escape Plan | Jul 9 - Jul 15 |
Family Force 5 | whole tour except Jun 19, Jun 20, Jun 26, Jul 2, Jul 12, Aug 8 |
From First to Last | Whole tour |
Gym Class Heroes | Whole tour |
The Higher | Jun 20 - Jul 20 |
Katy Perry | Whole tour |
Madina Lake | Jul 9 - Jul 25 |
Mayday Parade | Whole tour |
Motion City Soundtrack | Jul 29 - Aug 9, Aug 13 |
Say Anything | Whole tour |
Street Drum Corps Presents BANG! | Whole tour |
See you there!!
xoxox, Jenn♥
Sunday, June 22, 2008
So it's about time I posted a new one isn't it?
So.........what I have I've doing in the last 8 days since I posted my last blog?
That's right! You guessed it! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!
Come one, guys. This is summer we are talking about. You can't expect a constant stream of blogs about my boring ass summer. Plus I get writer's block. Leave me alone.
So what is up with you? Nothing? I thought so. Well we should have incredibly boring summers together. That way when we get back to school we can recite epic tales of our boredom. Sounds like a enormous bowl of fucking fun!!!
Records I Plan To Beat This Summer:
Latest I've Stayed Up To While On The Phone: 8:40AM
Latest I've Slept In: 5:45PM
Latest I've Stayed Up Without the Phone: 10AM
The Most Hours I've Gone Without Sleep Consecutively: 22
Any other records you guys think I should attempt to beat while I'm at it? Suggestion are most definitely welcome. Hit up my celluar device or Myspace.'s life? Btw, your hair looks great. ;]
That's right! You guessed it! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!
Come one, guys. This is summer we are talking about. You can't expect a constant stream of blogs about my boring ass summer. Plus I get writer's block. Leave me alone.
So what is up with you? Nothing? I thought so. Well we should have incredibly boring summers together. That way when we get back to school we can recite epic tales of our boredom. Sounds like a enormous bowl of fucking fun!!!
Records I Plan To Beat This Summer:
Latest I've Stayed Up To While On The Phone: 8:40AM
Latest I've Slept In: 5:45PM
Latest I've Stayed Up Without the Phone: 10AM
The Most Hours I've Gone Without Sleep Consecutively: 22
Any other records you guys think I should attempt to beat while I'm at it? Suggestion are most definitely welcome. Hit up my celluar device or Myspace.'s life? Btw, your hair looks great. ;]
Saturday, June 14, 2008
[not so]EPIC FAIL.
...So I told Bronson I liked him and he was all "Let's just be friends." I have no idea why I told him but I don't regret it at all. =] I don't think I truly believed that anything was going to come of it but I wouldn't have known for sure if I hadn't told him.
This is the actual message, bad spelling and all:
"hmmm.....ok. i know thats hard to do so i really aprisiate you doin that, so thank you for that. and i think your a raelly cool girl and your as funny as a fat guy running after cake on ice but i think we should just be friends. i wont make things awqward about this, im pretty good about that so yeah,lol. waht are you doin this summer?"<----Bronson's spelling=EPIC FAIL!!!
So things appear to still be cool between us which is great cause I don't won't to lose him as a friend. Man I sound like a lame-o teenie soap opera character. Going to stop with all the sentimental stuff now.
Lesson learned: Better to try and to fail then to never try at all.
Maybe next time this thing goes down [with a different person] there will better results; i.e. a boyfriend. ;]
xoxox, Jenn♥
This is the actual message, bad spelling and all:
"hmmm.....ok. i know thats hard to do so i really aprisiate you doin that, so thank you for that. and i think your a raelly cool girl and your as funny as a fat guy running after cake on ice but i think we should just be friends. i wont make things awqward about this, im pretty good about that so yeah,lol. waht are you doin this summer?"<----Bronson's spelling=EPIC FAIL!!!
So things appear to still be cool between us which is great cause I don't won't to lose him as a friend. Man I sound like a lame-o teenie soap opera character. Going to stop with all the sentimental stuff now.
Lesson learned: Better to try and to fail then to never try at all.
Maybe next time this thing goes down [with a different person] there will better results; i.e. a boyfriend. ;]
xoxox, Jenn♥
Friday, June 13, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008
I just realized why I'm so good at blogging
It's because of my total lack of a life and because I'm so meticulous about grammar and spelling. I also have a large vocabulary and I'm pretty much a literary genius. lol. Yay fer books!
Anyways I just wanted to say to all my friends even the ones who think "Well I don't really know her all that great" I think the majority of you guys will do something with your lives. Of course there will be a few stragglers but then again there always is.
I just have the feeling that all the people I associate with that I WANTED to be associated with will turn into something bigger and better than I could ever be. At least if they let themselves & don't let other people bring them down to their level.
I say this mostly because it's easier to see other people potential than it is to see my own and because my friends are amazing people. All they need to do is not surround themselves with negative people, get the hell out of PSL, have some ambition to chase whatever their dream is & to take charge of their life and not let other people manipulate them.
You are greater than you think you are.
xoxox, Jenn♥
Anyways I just wanted to say to all my friends even the ones who think "Well I don't really know her all that great" I think the majority of you guys will do something with your lives. Of course there will be a few stragglers but then again there always is.
I just have the feeling that all the people I associate with that I WANTED to be associated with will turn into something bigger and better than I could ever be. At least if they let themselves & don't let other people bring them down to their level.
I say this mostly because it's easier to see other people potential than it is to see my own and because my friends are amazing people. All they need to do is not surround themselves with negative people, get the hell out of PSL, have some ambition to chase whatever their dream is & to take charge of their life and not let other people manipulate them.
You are greater than you think you are.
xoxox, Jenn♥
Friday, June 6, 2008
You can not destroy me.
I refuse to let you bring me down.
I don't really give a damn about who the hell you think you are and what's is going on in your life. And while I do admit it was wrong for me to betray your trust you should not have been doing that in the first place.
Go fuck yourself and have a nice fucking life.
I don't really give a damn about who the hell you think you are and what's is going on in your life. And while I do admit it was wrong for me to betray your trust you should not have been doing that in the first place.
Go fuck yourself and have a nice fucking life.
The other guy....

Okay so I told you guys about Tyler I guess I'll tell you about Bronson now.
Bronson is the pretty awesome guy I know from my history class. He's pretty funny and an active Christian. He's well known at school and has a lot of friends. He's really nice guy and it takes alot to piss him off.
...I like him too. DON'T JUDGE ME!
Let me just get this straight, I have never liked 2 people at the same time. Ever. I'm not like some kind of freaky crush whore. I didn't even realize I liked him until Wednesday afternoon after school had let out.
I always asked myself if I liked him all year but I was mostly like "Nah." It most definitely sucks that I decide to like two people as soon school ends. I think this is the first summer ever that I'm totally not looking forward to.
I need to occupy my time with something other than thoughts of guys...**le sigh**
xoxox, Jenn♥
Saturday, May 31, 2008
I should be cleaning but...
I don't really feel like doing it at the moment. I am a master procrastinator!
So I made some resolutions for my life:
1. Don't hang out with shitty people
2. Keep at least a 3.0 GPA year round
3. Get my permit
4. Exercise
5. Don't cuss unreasonably
6. Stop worrying about stuff I can't control
This came to me as I was cleaning my tub. Inspiration always strikes me at the weirdest times.
I'm posting this on here so it can remind me and now I have something to hold against myself. Otherwise I'll just fall back into my old ways. I want to become a better person
xoxox, Jenn♥
So I made some resolutions for my life:
1. Don't hang out with shitty people
2. Keep at least a 3.0 GPA year round
3. Get my permit
4. Exercise
5. Don't cuss unreasonably
6. Stop worrying about stuff I can't control
This came to me as I was cleaning my tub. Inspiration always strikes me at the weirdest times.
I'm posting this on here so it can remind me and now I have something to hold against myself. Otherwise I'll just fall back into my old ways. I want to become a better person
xoxox, Jenn♥
Thursday, May 29, 2008
The magical story of my URL.
This was most definitely copied the MCRmy blog. Deal with it.
If you were wondering about the URL well there's a funny story behind that.
Once a upon a time ago, before the homecoming parade my band buddies and I were chilling in a parking lot waiting for the parade to start [we were in the parade]. We were enjoying the hilarious stories of Chris [who is most definitely gay], when John [who is most definitely straight] came out of nowhere and began to feel up on him. Nobody cared cuz that is what we band kids do when we're bored. No joke.
Well after feeling Chris up, John began to do the PartyBoy dance and he's all "uh tsk uh tsk uh tsk" behind Chris's head. While this going on me and this chick Nina are all o_O cuz his male appendage was like WHOOSH back and forth giving birth to the word swinging weiner action.
It was probably one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen. Plus it happens all the time cause John likes to dance. So whenever my friends or I witness this we shout "S.W.A." because swinging weiner action is too long to say & we definitely don't want John to find out.
xoxox, Jenn♥
If you were wondering about the URL well there's a funny story behind that.
Once a upon a time ago, before the homecoming parade my band buddies and I were chilling in a parking lot waiting for the parade to start [we were in the parade]. We were enjoying the hilarious stories of Chris [who is most definitely gay], when John [who is most definitely straight] came out of nowhere and began to feel up on him. Nobody cared cuz that is what we band kids do when we're bored. No joke.
Well after feeling Chris up, John began to do the PartyBoy dance and he's all "uh tsk uh tsk uh tsk" behind Chris's head. While this going on me and this chick Nina are all o_O cuz his male appendage was like WHOOSH back and forth giving birth to the word swinging weiner action.
It was probably one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen. Plus it happens all the time cause John likes to dance. So whenever my friends or I witness this we shout "S.W.A." because swinging weiner action is too long to say & we definitely don't want John to find out.
xoxox, Jenn♥
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