This many people have no life

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Random things of note...

I am 5' 7" !!!

This really cool kid I know ISN'T moving away.

I'm taking my permit test next week.

Bad grades are bad.

I think I might have acid reflux.

I'm totally procrastinating from doing my homework.
Which is just like masturbation, it feels good while you're doing it.
Then you realize that you just fucked yourself.

I'm an undercover pervert. LOL

I have the magical ability to sleep 17 hours straight which I demonstrated on Friday.

If I don't get my grades up in 2 classes I'll be SOL for Bake Sale.

MMORPGs are the fucking devil.

This whole "Never-Had-A-Boyfriend" thing is more common that I thought.

I would have died, literally, had I gave blood on Friday.

I need to write my essay on my fear of zombies like right now.

XoxoX, Jenn♥

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do your HW!! or no freaking buzz bake sale for you! I'll be pissed off if you don't get to come with me this year!

My beloved flock of sheep.