Anyways I just wanted to say to all my friends even the ones who think "Well I don't really know her all that great" I think the majority of you guys will do something with your lives. Of course there will be a few stragglers but then again there always is.
I just have the feeling that all the people I associate with that I WANTED to be associated with will turn into something bigger and better than I could ever be. At least if they let themselves & don't let other people bring them down to their level.
I say this mostly because it's easier to see other people potential than it is to see my own and because my friends are amazing people. All they need to do is not surround themselves with negative people, get the hell out of PSL, have some ambition to chase whatever their dream is & to take charge of their life and not let other people manipulate them.
You are greater than you think you are.
xoxox, Jenn♥
1 comment:
Awww :) But what your dumbass doesn't realize is that you have all the freaking potential in the world!! Your like 10x smarter then me and I know you will making millions when you get older.. JUst because you don't have a life yet doesn't mean anything I mean look at me 0_o lol Your only 15 you have got a long way to go. I Love You so much and I know you will be successful in life. <3 Katie
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