4th place.Ryan Ross from Panic! At The Disco
3rd place.Davey Havok from AFI
2nd place.Jeffree Star
1st place.Bill Kaulitz from Tokio Hotel
And for an extra dose of gayness to gay up your computer till the end of time:
Btw, that's his twin brother he's holding ever so tenderly. **shivers**
xoxox, Jenn♥
P.S. I'm sorry I had to put you guys through that. -_-'
OH MY GOD..... that last picture i swear I don't even know what to say like i can't even think straight.. like my IQ went down or something.. im like in shock, like you put up a picture of Joe Jonas which is like :) then you put up THAT picture, it's like WHAT THE FUCK?!?!
lol but yeah i will not be able to go on your blog until you put a new one up.. lol i just thought i'de let you know
that was tooo funny. i love your blog. u should come to my page and give me some tips on how to make it better. its www.meanshots22.blogspot.com
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