This many people have no life

Friday, August 15, 2008

Maximum 3 blogs per people I like

And by people I like I'm talking about in a romantic way, not a platonic way.
[Lol, I said Way]

Like HeWhoMustNotBeNamed[not Voldemort] lest I end up writing ANOTHER blog about him.
[That would make 4, not that I'm counting or anything]

God forbid, he ever read this blog he'll think I'm an obsessed stalker.
[I have no idea where he lives actually]

Oh damn I did it again!!! FUCK!
[I need to stop with all the little side commentary]

So, guys how's life?

xoxox, Jenn♥
[I'm losing my damn mind over a fricking boy...GAY!]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


My beloved flock of sheep.