Okay I lied the post this is just about zombies. No aliens, vampires or dinosaurs here!
You have been deceived. >=]
The cake is a lie.
You have been deceived. >=]
The cake is a lie.
Okay, anyways I hate zombies. I have a serious irrational fear of them. They eat people alive for God's sake, can you really blame me?
So I have devised a zombie plan. I personally think everyone should have one in case the Zombie Apocalypse does in fact occur.
1st step. Get in shape.
Okay you should be in shape for 2 reasons: it's healthy & you can outrun the zombies if they're the fast kind. You don't need to be Mr./Ms. Super Fast Olympic Runner you just need be faster than the slow people.

You would need lots of stamina in case you needed to run far. I'll just say if you can run for two blocks straight you should be good...I think
2nd step. Stockpile weapons.
Yeah chainsaws and guns are pretty good but what the hell are you going to do when you run out of gasoline or bullets?
I suggest a good old school machete, a baseball bat, a lead pipe or shovel. As for guns I think shotguns & assault rifles would be pretty cool. Especially these ones. LOL!

I mean what self respecting zombie wouldn't want to get shot with a Hello Kitty gun?
Step 3. Find a safe protected shelter.
This is my plan for a great shelter. Go to the nearest WalMart/Sam's/BJ's and take it over. Kick anybody out who wouldn't be helpful to me in some way, shape or form. Why? Because they have EVERYTHING! Plus I would now have other people to associate with & other people to watch my back.
Of course the downfall of this is that there might be a crazy super religious lady in there like in The Mist or that there could be a rebellion but there would ways around that. Trust me...
Step 4. Have a Plan B.
In the case that my WalMart/Sam's/BJ's got comprimised & the zombies somehow got in I would have a van in the back filled up with supplies ready to go. I would then grab the people that I cared about most and head out on the road.
To where? Honestly, I don't know. I didn't get this far in my zombie plan. -_-' i'm hoping that if this occured that there would be emergency radio reports telling people where to go. Maybe the army would actually be helpful in real life and not be all "Get the hell out of here or we'll shoot you!"
So yeah, this was my zombie plan & that was probably the most psychotic thing I've ever typed.
xoxox, Jenn♥

So I have devised a zombie plan. I personally think everyone should have one in case the Zombie Apocalypse does in fact occur.
1st step. Get in shape.
Okay you should be in shape for 2 reasons: it's healthy & you can outrun the zombies if they're the fast kind. You don't need to be Mr./Ms. Super Fast Olympic Runner you just need be faster than the slow people.
You would need lots of stamina in case you needed to run far. I'll just say if you can run for two blocks straight you should be good...I think
2nd step. Stockpile weapons.
Yeah chainsaws and guns are pretty good but what the hell are you going to do when you run out of gasoline or bullets?
I suggest a good old school machete, a baseball bat, a lead pipe or shovel. As for guns I think shotguns & assault rifles would be pretty cool. Especially these ones. LOL!
I mean what self respecting zombie wouldn't want to get shot with a Hello Kitty gun?
Step 3. Find a safe protected shelter.
This is my plan for a great shelter. Go to the nearest WalMart/Sam's/BJ's and take it over. Kick anybody out who wouldn't be helpful to me in some way, shape or form. Why? Because they have EVERYTHING! Plus I would now have other people to associate with & other people to watch my back.
Of course the downfall of this is that there might be a crazy super religious lady in there like in The Mist or that there could be a rebellion but there would ways around that. Trust me...
Step 4. Have a Plan B.
In the case that my WalMart/Sam's/BJ's got comprimised & the zombies somehow got in I would have a van in the back filled up with supplies ready to go. I would then grab the people that I cared about most and head out on the road.
To where? Honestly, I don't know. I didn't get this far in my zombie plan. -_-' i'm hoping that if this occured that there would be emergency radio reports telling people where to go. Maybe the army would actually be helpful in real life and not be all "Get the hell out of here or we'll shoot you!"
So yeah, this was my zombie plan & that was probably the most psychotic thing I've ever typed.
xoxox, Jenn♥
and my aunt and uncle are in the army and we're showing me their AK-47...i want to give them that hello kitty one ^____^
[i'm dyllan/dee/muzicnerd if you didnt know ^_^]
Good plan but i notice a slight flaw. A good tip would be to get somewhere high up like on the top of said Wal-mart, etc. Go buy the Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks and it will tell you all that you need to know. I keep it on me at all times in case of zombie attacks earkier than i expected or when im in an unsecured place
Well, there s a major flaw I must say. Walmart, DONT GO THERE! I work there! One, there are far too many opening entances and eits for it to be secure, next off if infection were to outbreak there id assume it be one of the first places to go. Infection would spread fast through the amount of people in the building, and we all know shoppers are idiots. Id suggest getting supplies at a much smaller place that people wuldnt run to first then find a suitable place to hole up, one with more than one exit but not too many that it can compromise you. Preferrably one with reiforced doors or such >.>*coughs* anyways let me go before i start ranting
no no no what you have to do is do everything the guy said in the plan but get tonnes of canned food and a heat source, something like a magnifying glass, then go out somewhere where there are no people, like the top of a mountain, or alaska, once you are there you can live like the inuit live. you can make an igloo, dry out some sticks and use the magnifying glass to make a fire, then you could maybe somehow kill a seal and use its bones as weapons. a zombie would freeze before it got that far into the arctic.also it may be helpful if you get a large van, or a winnebego or something and if you have a van, you should rill it up with matresses before you leave your home for insulation.
Last Resort go north Less people Less zombies
problem with those 2 guns are that they are bulky and heavy, you want something light, tough and simple like when you go hunting. a .270 Sig Sauer 200 would be the best, light, bigger calibre than most light army rifles, powerful. a .375 or a .458 would also work, .375 is big enough to kill a Buffalo. a knobkerrie and a crossbow would also be useful. a stockpiled airfield hanger with a good plane would work, best would be a beech baron, 1775km range would easily get you to the coast, find a 60ft sailboat (easy in Durban harbour) and sail to Svalbard (no need to stop for fuel, it has sails), Iceland, there, there is a bunker built for the purpose of withstanding apocalypse there, you can either barricade yourself inside and live of the many seeds, or anchor in deep waters, leaving yourself an escape route also the size of the bunker would make it hard to patrol.
im just going to had for the millitary base i live in lawerence ks
i would say not to even worry about loved ones.. sounds heartless but its smart.. dont go to any army retreats.. considering if they get over ran every thing will be sealed off to were no one can get out.. and the army will fail id say go to lowes get wood, nails, hammer,fridge and potty stuff then go to a rent a center get couches, chairs, and beds build a building on top of a walmart with the wood and such then make a ladder leading down into the walmart then leave go grab guns i would suggest a good sniper for roof top shooting just incase of looters then some good hand guns for semi far range then a shot gun for close kills a mini machine gun for when they crowd around you and that good hello kitty gun and keep a sword, knife, and a good axe and always keep first aid on you just incase you run into an injured person if they have bite marks no matter loved one or not spare no one blow there brains out and a good jacked up truck would do good so you can be high off the ground and run over anything and if you can get your hands on some riot gear that would be great get a good radio if you get bit chop of the limb before the infection spreads=]
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