So I've pretty much been listening to My Chemical Romance nonstop. Want to know why?
Earlier this week I was watching Fuse I saw the video for Mama off of The Black Parade Is Dead! and it didn't occur to me till then how much I really loved MCR. I had kinda been on an unofficial hiatus for a while now.
Okay I know that sounds really cheesy but I forgot how much I love them. Not just their music but the individual themselves. I'm sure that there's people reading this are like "You don't know them let alone seen them in person and yet you're professing your love for them? Stalker!"

I've got to say though my number one favorite person of all time in any band is Gerard Way. I love him. Not love as in I want to have his babies or he's so hot or whatever. That's lust btw.
Love as is I think he's one of most amazing person ever. Well, it's probably more of a mix of adoration, bedazzlement, infatuation & love but whatever. He's pretty much says what he means and means what he says. He also nice & I don't think he's just putting up a front.
As for everyone else in MCR:

Ray: I think it's impossible to be cooler than a guitarist with a fro. His fro alone could take over the world. Laugh now but you'll see...oOOooo000OooooOOOo000

Frank:Ah, the 5 Foot Wonder! Lol. I've had & still have a long running crush on him. He's just so frickin cute & he giggles like a little girl. Okay fangirl moment over...

Bob:He's pretty awesome despite the camera smackage. Plus he's a damn good drummer. Is it just me or has he been looking like a lumberjack lately? Lmao.

Mikey:Is the reason I want to play bass. Oh and I liked him before I liked MCR.
To think that I once hated them & I thought Gerard looked like Michael Jackson. Lol.
xoxox, Jenn♥
God, I just love this video!
Earlier this week I was watching Fuse I saw the video for Mama off of The Black Parade Is Dead! and it didn't occur to me till then how much I really loved MCR. I had kinda been on an unofficial hiatus for a while now.
Okay I know that sounds really cheesy but I forgot how much I love them. Not just their music but the individual themselves. I'm sure that there's people reading this are like "You don't know them let alone seen them in person and yet you're professing your love for them? Stalker!"
I've got to say though my number one favorite person of all time in any band is Gerard Way. I love him. Not love as in I want to have his babies or he's so hot or whatever. That's lust btw.
Love as is I think he's one of most amazing person ever. Well, it's probably more of a mix of adoration, bedazzlement, infatuation & love but whatever. He's pretty much says what he means and means what he says. He also nice & I don't think he's just putting up a front.
As for everyone else in MCR:
Ray: I think it's impossible to be cooler than a guitarist with a fro. His fro alone could take over the world. Laugh now but you'll see...oOOooo000OooooOOOo000
Frank:Ah, the 5 Foot Wonder! Lol. I've had & still have a long running crush on him. He's just so frickin cute & he giggles like a little girl. Okay fangirl moment over...
Bob:He's pretty awesome despite the camera smackage. Plus he's a damn good drummer. Is it just me or has he been looking like a lumberjack lately? Lmao.
Mikey:Is the reason I want to play bass. Oh and I liked him before I liked MCR.
To think that I once hated them & I thought Gerard looked like Michael Jackson. Lol.
xoxox, Jenn♥
God, I just love this video!