I am currently having a series of good days. Must be the fact that school is coming to a close. I hate school but I love my friends and it's such a shame that you can't have one without the other. However I've been looking forward to riding the bus in the afternoons now that I like Tyler.
Why is that?
Because he talks in the afternoons and we walk home to together. But that's only because we live in the same direction. He's definitely unattainable at the moment plus I think he'll never like me. Yet another random crush that won't blossom into shit. Well this is an improvement on the others though.
Because Tyler is:
1. straight
3.within walking distance
4.easy to talk to
5.not a total and complete asshole

xoxox, Jenn♥
This Tyler boy? Max approves.
Now go out there and seduce his butt. :)
oh yeah lol cuz Jennifer you definetly have seducing powers lol NOT but good luck to you on that!!!
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