Anyways I feel like writing another random blog.
So this coming school year feels like it's going to be really good and it should be because it's my senior year. I don't want no stupid friend drama or stupid boy drama. I just wanna get good grades, have some fun, and create memories to tell to my children one day.
Basically, fuck all you stupid people who try to ruin other people's happiness. I simply don't have time for your bullshit this year.
And I'm going to stop holding back on my personality because I can't please everyone & a little rejection isn't going to kill me. In fact, it'll only make me a stronger person.
Another thing I want to do by the end of this year is to tie up all my loose ends before I leave PSL behind. Throughout this year I'll probably confront several people random things I have to say them. I don't want to have any what if's by the time I graduate.
So this year is gonna be all about taking some risks & making mistakes because it's better to fuck up now while I still have a safety net to catch me when I fall.
XoxoX, Jenn♥