This many people have no life

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

If music was my boyfriend...

Let's take this back to elementary school & just pretend for a moment.
Let's pretend music is a person; a guy around my age to be exact.
Let's say he's my boyfriend for the purpose of this blog.

So if music was my boyfriend:
-He'd always seem to know the right thing to say.
-He'd be moody from time to time.
-He'd have all the answers I'd ever need.
-He'd be the only one I'd want to hear after crappy day.
-He would understand me more than I do.
-He'd probably be a little crazy but it would suite him.
-He would be loved by everyone.
-He would have a twin brother named Lyrics.
-We'd be together nearly 24/7.

Hmm, that was oddly poetic of me.

xoxox, Jenn♥

Friday, September 26, 2008

Things I've realized about myself.

-I hate apologizing; I rarely ever do it.
-I hate admitting that I'm wrong.
-I'm stubborn.
-I keep my emotions hidden well.
-There's a 99.9% chance that I won't have sex in high school BY CHOICE.
-I hate disrespectful, rude, ignorant people.
-I hate when things aren't fair.
-I think seniority & elitism is bullshit.
-I know A LOT more about certain people then they would realize or want me to know.
-I have a really good family.
-I have absolutely no idea I want to come of my impending future. I just want to be happy.
-Apparently I'm really funny.
-Also, apparently I make lots of entertaining facial expressions.
-I've learned to not make plans based on people for my future.
-I may seem to be overly realistic or pessimistic but deep down I'm quite the optimist.
-I like IMing/texting/messaging/etc. because I can organize my thoughts better.
-But with talking I don't seem to able to always get my point across.
-I love to read.
-I'm a dork & I'll never be cool but I'm okay with that.
-I'm vain about 2 things only: this blog & my taste in music.
-I LOVE music. <--- This sentence can never fully describe how I feel about music.
-Sometimes, I truly believe I'm going to be that old lady with 27 cats.
-I'll kill myself when I hit 66.
-I refuse to get old, rickety, incontinent. Fuck old age.
-I reeeaaalllly want to learn how to play bass.

xoxox, Jenn♥

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Today's my birthday.

I'm 16 now. I don't really feel any older.

I'm over you. I don't know why I made such a big deal. >_>

I'm sick like a dog. I feel like death. D=<

I have no idea why I'm even posting a blog.

Fucking people and their pull down shower heads. XDDDD

xoxox, Jenn♥

P.S. Was it just me or was Tyler looking dead fucking sexy last Saturday?
But let me keep the record straight, I DO NOT LIKE HIM!!! That was totally a one time thing.

Unless he starts coming to school like that everyday...Lmao.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Epic failure muffins.

Because I fail at being discreet.
Hence the deletion of 2 very insecure blogs.
Nobody needs to read all that jazz.

FailMuffins for everyone.

Mmmm, delicious.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Marching Band: Best Fucking Thing Since Sliced Bread

Today, from the second I stayed after school till the second I was called to attention before I could leave I was reminded why I love marching band.

Despite the shitty practices, the BandDrama, the people who don't give a flying fuck, and a new director in the end the football games, the bus rides, and the competitions are definitely worth it.

These are things I love the most:
  • The horrible loud obnoxious off-key singing done late at night
  • The crazy gossip.
  • Gay and band go hand in hand. [especially once in uniform]
  • Touch a nut, not your neighbors!
  • 10 Fingers!
  • Inside Jokes
  • Being surrounded by so many different personalities
  • The band dance
  • Mingling with the other band
  • How putting on a uniform is like sprinkling pheromones on everybody
  • Gay or straight you will be felt up by the same sex
Band is like having a other younger, more psychotic family. There are times where you want to murder each and every single person and times where you wouldn't know what you'd do without them. For every time I've ever wanted to quit band there are 5 other times that I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I did.

For you people who aren't in band, I feel sorry for you. You have no idea what you're missing out on. Maybe if you're in another club/sport/organization you might understand what I'm talking about but there's just some things that you're never experience unless you're a band geek.

xoxox, Jenn♥

BAND GEEKS FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


seems to elude me.

It's like trying to hold onto water. It just slips out of my grip.
[Actually it's never really been in my grip in the first place...]

And yeah I know I should "Enjoy being single" and whatnot but I don't think I could truly enjoy it until I've been in a relationship. Plus, it sucks big donkey balls when you can't talk to any of your friends because they all on the phone talking to their boyfriends.

It makes me feel like a total outcast. Oh I'm sure they meant nothing by it but it sucks. It's like the world is taunting me.

An AIM Conversation I had earlier today
Me: i feel lonely. =[ especially when they all are sitting on the phone talking to their b/fs
Me: im like in outcast city
Joe: yeah
Joe: welcome to the world of Joe.
Me: small world.
Joe: very
Joe: lonely and cold too
Me: is the sky black & does it rain 24/7?
Joe: yup

I'm currently located in Outcast City, Planet Joe where it's cold, dark, rainy and small. Yay.

I mean I just want a boyfriend but it can't just be any random guy. It's gotta be THE GUY. I have no idea who he is though but it'd be nice if he would show himself or maybe I could get a sign.

Yeah right, nothing good in this world ever comes easy.

xoxox, Jenn♥

Monday, September 1, 2008

Good news has arrived!

Guess what, guys?

I DON'T LIKE BRONSON ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



So you might be wondering why I don't like him anymore. Well it's because he cut off all his hair and now he looks like every other white boy at school. Sorry but that's the cold hard truth.

A plus(?) for him is that he looks his age now, which is 17.

Oh, and if you were wondering this will probably be the last blog that will revolve around him. No promises though cause I have AP Psychology with him now.

xoxox, Jenn♥

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Lol. I guess I curse too much.
Or maybe it's that one time with the porn...nah.

My beloved flock of sheep.